Browser Games
Browser Games

The gaming business has undergone a massive transition in recent years, with browser-based games overtaking standalone games and apps. There are several reasons for this, and now is the time to list them all so you can decide if web games or applications are more appropriate for you. Here are five reasons why web games are better compared to apps.

Browser games are free

Browser games are free
Browser games are free

If you’re playing a game on your phone or tablet, there’s a good chance that it will be tied to some kind of purchase—either in-game currency or actual money. Browser games are free, which makes them much more accessible for anyone. You can also play them from any device, whether it’s your computer, phone, or tablet. 

This is useful if you want to play on several devices (for example, at home on your laptop and on the go on your phone), but don't want to pay to buy the additional app. That alone is motivation enough to check out some of the best browser-based games available right now.

Don’t need an internet connection

Don’t need internet connection
Don’t need an internet connection

When you’re at work, on a plane, or otherwise offline, your mobile game stops – at least until you have service again. But for many web-based games, there’s no such issue. If you’re playing a multiplayer online browser game then you can log in whenever it works with your schedule. Web-based games can be played on any device.

There are many fantastic games that are designed to operate natively on Android, but that does not imply they have to be. Because most browsers now support Flash and HTML 5, most modern browser-based games will work on nearly any platform, including Windows laptops and tablets, Macbooks, iPhones, and iPads.

Browser games run on all platforms

Browser games run on all platforms
Browser games run on all platforms

Many mobile games rely on specific hardware which means they don’t work on non-iPhones or Android phones. For example, some mobile games won’t work for iPad users due to an outdated OS. Similarly, many of today’s top mobile games run as apps (like Candy Crush and Clash of Clans) and thus require downloading a new app each time you want to play. 

Browser games, like Canvas Rider, don’t have these restrictions; there is only one single Canvas Rider file that works on everything from Windows PCs to Android smartphones (you just need a web browser). Because of their universal nature, browser games can be played anytime and anywhere.

Browser games have more features

Browser games have more features
Browser games have more features

Browser games generally have a much broader feature set and provide dramatically better value. If you want to spend some time playing a simple, enjoyable game without spending too much money then this game is for you. 

For example, one of my favorite browser-based MMORPGs, Wizardry Online offers an insane amount of character customization with over 50 different classes to choose from that all feel unique. Most app stores do not offer any game with as many features at a comparable price point.

Higher game quality

Higher game quality
Higher game quality

Browser-based games tend to be more innovative and original. Because developers don’t have to worry about creating an app, they can make free online game ideas that push boundaries and set new standards in their respective genres. Games like Candy Crush Saga came out of nowhere and redefined gaming – their only limitation was a WebGL capable browser. 

With video game developers focusing on mobile development, there has been a general shift away from innovation towards producing casual gaming experiences for smartphones. As a result, traditional console gaming is starting to take hold again; it may not seem like much at first, but don’t underestimate how quickly things can change when big money is involved.


When you look at it, we have gotten to where we are now with a smartphone in our hands. We used to play online games using our computers and laptops, but now all of that has changed. Now, you can play amazing online games on your phone. 

They have taken up less space on your phones and you can also download them for free without having to pay for any data plans or anything like that. You should start looking into playing some of these amazing android games today if you haven’t already.

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